
12 Inch Industrial Filter Housing for Silicone

ErtelAlsop built and shipped four, 12 inch industrial filter housings for specialty chemical filtration and silicone production in the North East. These four, 2-high industrial filter housings, each have a 2 inch flanged head, and max operating conditions of 150 psi at 180 degrees fahrenheit. Each filter housing will fit two ZetaPak depth filter cartridges. […]

3 High Pak Lenticular Filter Housing

ErtelAlsop ships a 3 high domed filter housing for a company in NJ who is using an API solvent based solution to remove platinum from a carbon catalyst. This filtration process is being done in the specialty chemical market. ErtelAlsop filter housings are available in vertical domed, Sanitary Pharmaceutical Housings, Industrial Chemical Filter Housings, or horizontal […]

Filtration of Electric Utility Insulating Oil

The AquaKv-Pak® solves the water, moisture and particulate removal problem in dielectric fluids with efficiency standards beyond any presently available. Designed and formulated for removal of damaging water, moisture and impurities from transformer oils, circuit breaker oils, voltage regulator, switch gear, steam turbine and arc-quenching oils in electric utility applications. The AquaKv-Pak is the remarkable ErtelAlsop […]

The ZetaDri-Pak®

The ZetaDri-Pak® is a lenticular disc cartridge that offers the benefits of depth filtration in addition to capturing free and emulsified water from your product.  The depth filter Pak® cartridge invented by ErtelAlsop more than 50 years ago allows for easy change out, low labor costs, along with optimizing filtration area and cake space. The […]

Filtration of Ink

Think about ink! If we do at all we probably don’t think beyond our noses. Newspapers,
magazines, notes written with ballpoint pens, even the e-mail that we print out in despite the drive toward a paperless society. Think Ink! Think Ink! These are the uses of inks that are most familiar to us. But the world […]

Pak Filter Housing

The lenticular filter cartridge format was invented by Alsop Engineering in the 1940s. Today, ErtelAlsop continuously improves upon this innovation. With its totally enclosed design, it is the perfect alternative to the plate and frame filter press. Since Pak® Filter cartridges are comprised of the same filter media used in plate and frame filtration, existing […]