Filtration Of Flavors

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The blending of essential oils or flavorings with alcohols or aqueous base liquids can result in the formation of haze or precipitates in the final product. For many years, depth filter media has been the primary means of polishing these liquids prior to filling.

ErtelAlsop grades M‐40, M‐45, M‐50, M‐404, M‐454 and M‐504 in 8‐inch, 12‐inch or 16‐inch plate and frame filter presses are most commonly used in these applications. ErtelAlsop Pak® Lenticular Cartridges in a 12‐inch diameter cartridge housing can also effectively produce desired results.

For over eighty years ErtelAlsop has been providing depth filter media and machinery for use in beverage applications. The desire to provide cost‐effective solutions combined with the willingness to manufacture to customer specific needs has made ErtelAlsop a leader in the field of depth filtration.

A network of technically trained sales representatives and distributors is available to answer questions, provide hands‐on training, and arrange for on‐site testing at your facility.

More detailed information regarding our filter media and filtration systems can be obtained by calling ErtelAlsop at 800.553.7835.


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