Tag Archives for Zeta Potential

Depth Filtration, What is it?

What is depth filtration? Depth filtration utilizes the thickness (depth) of a cellulose based filter media.  This “depth” matrix is used to trap suspended particles; separating them from their carrying fluid.  Depth filtration is most commonly applied in polishing filtration applications including, but not limited to: Essential oil and extract clarification Haze removal in distilled spirits […]

The ZetaDri-Pak®

The ZetaDri-Pak® is a lenticular disc cartridge that offers the benefits of depth filtration in addition to capturing free and emulsified water from your product.  The depth filter Pak® cartridge invented by ErtelAlsop more than 50 years ago allows for easy change out, low labor costs, along with optimizing filtration area and cake space. The […]

Pharmaceutical Water

While the raw materials and intermediates for the numerous and diverse pharmaceutical products and processes may vary, one ingredient is virtually fundamental and common to all.While the raw materials and intermediates for the numerous and diverse pharmaceutical products and processes may vary, one ingredient is virtually fundamental and common to all. This ingredient is called […]