Plate and Frame Filter

How Does a Filter Press Work?

To best understand how a filter press works we will discuss the main components of the filter press and their function, then we will discuss the filtration cycle. A filter press has three main components: the carriage, the filter pack, and the filter media. The Carriage The carriage (also referred to as the skeleton or […]

Plate and Frame Filters for Whiskey

ErtelAlsop just helped a large whiskey distillery in Tennessee remove the carbon and char from it’s small batch, single barrel whiskey with 4 plate and frame filters for whiskey. Each of these plate and frame filter have 42.7 square feet of filtration area for a total of 170.8 ft² of filtration area. With that much […]

Large Volume Parenterals

  Large volume parenterals (LVPs) are terminally sterilized (autoclave) injectable aqueous drug products packaged in a single dose container, generally of 100 ml or larger (usually up to 1 liter).   The major ingredient of large volume parenterals is virtually always water and the active drug ingredients vary. Common ones include 5% to 50% dextrose, […]